Recruitments and Transitions

Counsel to Guide Recruitments and Transitions in the Financial Services Industry

Congratulations, you have found a new firm with the right culture where you can both advance your career and better serve your clients. However, before making the leap there are many areas where you need sound legal advice, including:

  • Preparing to transition your practice,
  • Negotiating employment and compensation agreements,
  • Complying with Broker Protocol,
  • Navigating restrictive covenants, such as non-competes, non-solicits and confidentiality restrictions,
  • Avoiding inadvertent misappropriation of trade secrets, and
  • Dealing with garden leave provisions or other notice requirements

While you may get gratuitous advice from those around you, it is your livelihood at stake. It pays to have counsel with a depth of experience in this area.

If you are contemplating changing firms or have already moved and now find yourself in need of an attorney highly experienced in broker transitions, we would like to help. Contact the attorneys at PCJ Law for a free, informative consultation at 901-820-4433.

Get in Touch With Us

  • Prosser, Clapper & Johnson Law 5865 Ridgeway Center Parkway, Suite 300 Memphis, Tennessee 38120
  • 901-820-4433

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