Investor Disputes

How your firm handles your customer arbitration can have a dramatic and lasting impact on your reputation and livelihood. While your firm will undoubtedly have lawyers – and they may even extend representation to you – you are rarely their first concern. Having a lawyer that represents only you – and who puts your interests first – can make sure you are zealously represented. The effects of this can range from ensuring you are well-prepared for trial, to looking for opportunities to obtain your early dismissal (thereby minimizing damage to your CRD). Separate representation can also give a voice to your interest in pursuing expungement while the underlying case is still pending, rather than having to initiate a new action to clear your name.

If you have been sued by a customer and want to discuss having separate representation that, while likely cooperative with that your firm, nevertheless has only your interests at heart, contact the attorneys at PCJ Law for a free, informative consultation at 901-820-4433.

Get in Touch With Us

  • Prosser, Clapper & Johnson Law 5865 Ridgeway Center Parkway, Suite 300 Memphis, Tennessee 38120
  • 901-820-4433

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